My Projects.

  1. Blogs

    September, 2022 | markFifteen

    Writing a blog on what I have learnt on my way to become developer. Also sharing my travelling experience.

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  2. Stocks Profit & Loss Calculator

    September, 2022 | markFourteen

    Created application where taking the 3 input from user i.e intial price of stocks, number of stock bought, current price of stocks. As per user input calculating loss/profit and loss percentage/profit percentage. Using technology JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS.

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  3. Is Your Birthday Palindrome

    September, 2022 | markThirteen

    Checking if birth date provided is palindrome or not, and if not what will be next palindrome date. Using technology JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS.

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  4. Fun With Triangles

    September, 2022 | markTwelve

    Taking three angle input from user and check if the input's make a triangle. Calculating Hypotenuse. Calculating area of triangle. Quiz on triangle where each correct answer will increment the score. Using technology JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS.

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  5. Is Your Birthday Lucky

    September, 2022 | markEleven

    Created an application where it take's your birthday date and your lucky number to verify if your birthday date is lucky or not. Using technology JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS.

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  6. Cash Register Manager

    September, 2022 | markTen

    Created app where we have bill amount and cash amount given by customer. Here we calculate how much cash we need to give back to customer. Using technology JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS.

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  7. Travel Lists React App

    August, 2022 | markNine

    Created React App where it show's you 5 best place to travel list and rating when you click on cities button. Tech used are HTML5, CSS and React.

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  8. Emoji Guessing React App

    August, 2022 | markEight

    Created a React application - Emoji Guessing, where output will displayed on what emoji is selected or what emoji is given in input. Tech used are HTML5, CSS and React.

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  9. Ferb Latin Translation

    August, 2022 | markSeven

    Created a application to translate English to Ferb Latin. During their routine summer fun, the two brothers Phineas and Ferb(in a Dinsney series) create their own language. Technology used HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

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  10. Banana Speak

    August, 2022 | markSix

    Did you know that the gibberish Minion say is an actual language. Use the translator to convert your text from English to Minion speak or Banana language. Used technologies HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS.

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  11. Portfolio

    August, 2022 | markThree | markFour | markFive

    Created portfolio using tech HTML and CSS which represents my learnings, work and blogs.

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  12. CLI Fun Quiz With Levels

    August, 2022 | markTwo

    Created a 3 level fun quiz. Every level has score criteria to get into next level. Score will be incremented for each correct answer.

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  13. CLI Quiz How well do you know me quiz?

    August, 2022 | markOne

    Created Quiz with CLI using JavaScript on repit. Let's play and see how well do you know me?

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